Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Danny and heny

Danny looks like Nicolas saputra , (AADC movie ) when u look at certain angle , and Heny look like diva . her face really fotogenic , my diffculty is how to avoid different height level as Danny really tall guy while Heny is average height . but somehow they can pose by them self .
this pre wedding session took place at PIK , a whole day take some shot in this area , no other place , no wonder PIk is still favour place for pre wedding photo shoot as many place can give you beautiful images with really convenience cost not too expensive . in PIK area we went to 4 places but still we running out of time , first mangrove forrest with very long wood bridge , secondly another mangrove forrest . third place is ilalang which is free and the fourth place is at the beach, not exactly the beach but still okay we can see the sea ,location close to Modern market .
anyway please enjoy the picture ...thanks again to Danny and Heny .