Jessica and haris actually live in cirebon , and I thought they just from cirebon and stay here in jakarta but I was wrong , so its a honor for POY to be their prewed photographer for indoor and outdoor , why its because they willing to prepare them self and have alot I mean a lot of gown I thinks there are 3 kind of wedding dress and 1 tradtional dress . quite alot
and also this time they use their own make up artist which is quite popular now among married couple wannabe .its a jossydavid make up who had specialize in air brush for make up
anyway here some picture that I take even it was rainy at that time , enjoy ...
and also this time they use their own make up artist which is quite popular now among married couple wannabe .its a jossydavid make up who had specialize in air brush for make up
anyway here some picture that I take even it was rainy at that time , enjoy ...