Sunday, 4 May 2008

Wedding Photographer

As a Wedding photographer sometimes its the way for me to have the balance of life .
I had tired working my main Job as Production coordinator for my office from Monday to Friday so I need to balance my life .
so here it is as a Wedding Photographer gave me a time to think different way with I always do .
this Job not only require skill full but need a "taste" which mean you the only one can full fill your thought by putting it in image .
and I can say " hey that is my picture , I create it that way " proudly .
and I feel more proudly if someone look at that picture and told me "wow that is a nice photo" that would be my happiness as somebody had appreciate my work .
so guys maybe with this blog I can share all my work so you can judge and give comment for me to improve , its okay if the comment will be too spicy but I thinks its better that way .
so enjoy this more picture will come out .

Friday, 2 May 2008

Start my blog .....

Today 3 may 08 will be my historical day of my life , finally after thinking carefully whether I need creat my blog or not , and already pass 1 year about this and now I decide to create my Blog .
I also like reading people's blog and I really enjoy it . I knew that I am not a good writer so you guys can read my blog .
so please enjoy it